Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egtempug
MS: egtempug
If you cut something, you use something sharp (e.g., scissors, a knife) to separate it into pieces or take off part of it.
He cut the sugar cane into pieces
He used the scissors to cut the paper.
You need to cut your fingernails, because they are long and dirty.

Def.: egtulis; egkulit
MS: egtulis; egkulit
If you cut something, you make a mark in it with something sharp
I cut my finger while I was washing the knife.
Natulis ka kemel ku te miggugasan ku ka ilab.
He cut his name into the tree.
Migtulis din diyè te kayu ka ngaran din.

Def.: tulis
MS: tulis
a mark in something, which has been made with something sharp.
There were a lot of cuts on his leg after he cleared the field.
Due masalig ne tulis te paa rin pegke-impus te peggawan din te kamet.
What are those cuts in the bamboo?

Def.: igpareisek
MS: igpareisek
If you cut something, you make it smaller
The doctor told me to cut the amount of salt in my diet.
Ka duktur migkahi te igpareisek ka karakel te asin te pegkeen ku.
The shop had a big sale and cut many of their prices.

Def.: pegpareisek
MS: pegpareisek
an action of making something smaller
We were happy because there were many price cuts in the sale.
Unfortunately, he lost his work in the job cuts which his company made.
Irreg.  cut, cut.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0376-0400
Status: ready

Last updated: 20/Sep/2012