Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: luwas
MS: luwas
If something is secure, it is safe, and you can feel sure that you will not lose it.
Her children are safe and secure at home.
Ka me anak din luwas diyè te baley.
This building is very secure, because it is made of blocks, and has locks on the doors and windows.
Keep your money in a secure place if you can.

Def.: kasiguruwan
MS: kasiguruwan
If something such as a job is secure, you feel sure that it will continue.
She has a secure job at the Barangay.
Sikandin due kasiguruwan ne himu diyè te Barangay.

Def.: egsusiyen; egnengnengen
MS: egsusiyen; egnengnengen
If you secure something, you make sure that it is safe.
Please secure your things before you leave the building.
Susiya niyu pa ubag ka me kasangkapan niyu wey kew panggipanew.

Def.: eglekeban; egpaggulan
MS: eglekeban; egpaggulan
If you secure a place, you lock it so that it is safe.
He secured the office with a lock on the door.
Miglekeban din e ka upisina wey inpaggulan din e ka lekeb.

Def.: eg-angayen; egkuen
MS: eg-angayen; egkuen
If you secure something, you get it.
Our team secured a place in the final.
Ka grupu ney nakaangey te kapanaluwan te katammanan.

Def.: egpakepkep; egpeilis
MS: egpakepkep; egpeilis
If you secure something, you attach it to another thing so that it will not move easily.
They secured the roof with extra nails.
Impakepkep dan ka atep te nasamè ne lansang.
He secured his raft to the riverbank so that it would not float away.

Def.: nakakepkep
MS: nakakepkep
If something is secure, it is attached to another thing so that it will not move easily.
If your roof isn't secure, it might come off in the storm.
Emun ke ka atep nu warè nakakepkep, kema ke eglayap seini te kalamag.

Def.: due kasiguruwan (meyitenged te pegkeupii wey pegtanggu te duma)
MS: due kasiguruwan
If a person is secure, they feel sure that other people like them and care about them.
His parents are kind and loving, so he is a very secure child.
Ka ginikanan din buutan wey mapalanggeen, sika ka due kasiguruwan din ne batè.
Sem.Dom.: AWL2

not secure.
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012