Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for something, e.g., a piece of paper (eglayap, miglayap/inlayap, layap, theme, eg><ø-) to be carried by the wind for a reason (e.g., that the wind is strong, or the thing is not firmly attached to something else) (iglayap, inlayap, reason, ig><ø-)
Eglayap e ka me impanampey ku ne me pinipian.
My hanging washed clothes are being carried away by the wind.
Eng. carried by wind,be; blown by wind, be; blown away, be; blow in wind
OCM: Ethnometeorology (821)
DDP: Wind (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
(malayap, mA1-) light; easily carried by wind
Eng. lightweight; light (in weight); easily carried by wind
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for something (egkalayapan, nalayapan, theme, egkA><an-) to be mixed with something that is carried by the wind (e.g cut hair, dust)
Eng. mixed by wind
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

v.Picture of egpalayap
for someone (egpalayap, migpalayap/impalayap, palayap, agent, eg><ø-pA-) to winnow grain (egpalayapan, impalayapan/migpalayapan/pigpalayapan, palayapi, theme, eg><an-pA-) by putting a large basket of grain on the head and slowly pouring it onto a mat, allowing the wind to carry away some of the empty rice hulls
Cult. This is a preliminary type of winnowing done during the drying process to help the rice dry completely.
Eng. winnow; pour grain
OCM: Food Preparation (252)
DDP: Blow air (, Wind (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for an angel or spirit (egpahunlelayap, migpahunlelayap/impahunlelayap, pahunlelayap, agent, eg><ø-pA-hun-rdpCV-) to fly through the air (egpahunlelayapan, impahunlelayapan/migpahunlelayapan/pigpahunlelayap, pahunlelayap, location, eg><an-pA-hun-rdpCV-)
Eng. fly, of a spirit or angel; hover, of a spirit or angel
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 08/Dec/2009