Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpakamamalehet
MS: egpakamamalehet
If you realize that something is true, you suddenly know it.
She suddenly realized that everybody was listening to her.
Nakamamalehet sikandin ne ka langun migpammineg kandin.

Def.: egkanengnengan
MS: egkanengnengan
If you realize that something is true, you know or understand it.
She doesn't realize how bad the problem is.
Warè din nanengnengi ke kamenu karakel ka prublima.
I realize that you don't want to buy it.

Def.: egkaangey; egkamalehet
MS: egkaangey; egkamalehet
If you realize something such as a goal, you cause it to become real by making it happen.
After many years she realized her dream of becoming a professional musician.
Impus te pila ne me katuihan namalehet e ka igkeupii rin ne egkeyimu rin ne mangulahing.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0601-0625

n-ct, n-uc.
Def.: 1 pegpakamamalehet; 2 pegkanengneng; 3 pegkamalehet, pegkaangey
MS: pegpakamamalehet; pegkanengneng; pegmalehet; pegkaangey
the action of realizing.
She felt very embarrassed upon her realization that everyone was listening to her.
The realization of your goals needs hard work.
Status: ready

Last updated: 19/Apr/2012