Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kinarakelan
MS: kinarakelan
The prime person or thing is the main one or most important one.
The police arrested the prime suspect.
Migdakep te pulis ka kinarakelan te egbayungan.
The Prime Minister is the most powerful minister in the government.

Def.: kinameupiyaan ne klasi
MS: kinameupiyaan ne klasi
Something prime is the best quality.
That is prime pork, so it is more expensive than the other pork.
Sika ka kinameupiyaan ne klasi te karni te babuy, sikak bayew dakel se bali du te duma.

Def.: timpu te pegkeuyag ne kekesehi pad
MS: makeseg pad
the period of life when someone is strongest and most active. You say that someone is in their prime, or in the prime of life.
He died when he was only forty, still in the prime of life.
Migpatey sikandin te hep-at pad ne pulu ka idad din, makeseg pad ne baad te umul.

Def.: eg-andam
MS: eg-andam
If you prime something, you prepare it (e.g., prime a wall for painting or a gun for firing).
Before you use a water pump, you need to prime it by filling it with water.
Te kenè ke pad egpasupsup te weyig, keilangan ne eg-andamen nu seini pinaahi te pegtahù te weyig.

Def.: eglalag te pegpanengneng te duma
MS: eglalag te pegpanengneng
If you prime someone, you tell them something that they need to know to prepare them for something.
They didn't prime us before the test, so we had no idea what we needed to do.
Warè migpanengneng sikandan kanta te warè pad ka tis, sikak warè puhawang ta ke nekey ka eggimuwen ta.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012