Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eglalag; egkahi; egpangguhud; egpangasak
MS: eglalag; egkahi; egpangguhud; egpangasak
If you say that something is the case, you speak.
She said that she was tired.
Migkahi sikandin te nabeley rin.

Def.: egpanugtul te katahaan [kataha͡an]
MS: egpanugtul
If something that you read says that something is the case, you can see the information there.
My watch says that it is 11 o'clock.
Ka urasan ku egpanugtul te alas unsi e.

Def.: timpu te pegbehey te puhawang
MS: timpu te pegbehey te puhawang
A say is the chance to give your ideas and help to decide something (have a say).
One of the jobs of a chairman is to make sure that everyone in the meeting has their say.
Sabeka ne trabahu te prisidinti ne ka tagsè sabeka due timpu te pegbehey te kandan ne puhawang.

Def.: me (alahè ne seel)
MS: me
You use say to show that you are not giving an exact number.
There are, say, 40 people in my sitio.
Due me hep-at ne pulù ne etew diyè te sityu ku.

Def.: panunggilingan
MS: panunggilingan
You use say to show that you are giving an example.
If you go to an Asian country, say, Japan, you will need to take off your shoes in the house.
Ke eggendiyè ka te Asya ne me inged, panunggilingan, Dyapan, keilangan ne eg-aween nu ka sepatus nu ke diyè ka te lasud te baley.
Irreg.  said [sed], said (also says [sez]).
Sem.Dom.: adverbs; GSL0026-0050
Status: ready

Last updated: 20/Sep/2012