Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpalundani; egdulug; egparani
MS: egpalundani; egdulug; egparani
If someone or something approaches you, they move towards you.
We need to go home now, as the rain is approaching.
Keilangan neg-ulì kid kuntee, su ka uran egpalundaniyan e.

Def.: pegpalundani; pegparani; pegdulug; pegdugpù
MS: pegpalundani; pegparani; pegdulug; pegdugpù
the action of moving towards something.
I didn't hear his approach because he walked softly.
Warè ku narineg ka pegparani rin su impahanadhanad ma sikandin ka miggipanew.

Def.: eggusey
MS: eggusey
If you approach a situation or problem a certain way, you try to fix or work with it that way.
He approached the problem by speaking to her.
Miggusey sikandin te prublima pinaahi te pegpakiglalag te malitan.

Def.: paahi te peggusey
MS: paahi te peggusey
the way that you try to fix or work with a situation or problem.
We need to try a new approach to this problem.
Keilangan ne eggeram ki te iyam ne paahi te peggusey te seini ne prublima.

Def.: seleranan ne dalan; paseled ne dalan
MS: seleranan ne dalan; paseled ne dalan
The approach to a particular place is the way or path that you follow when you are nearly at that place.
The approach to the caves is very steep.
Ka seleranan ne dalan peendiyè te sulung su amanan masandig.
Sem.Dom.: AWL1
Status: ready

Last updated: 28/Sep/2012