Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(parulunduluni) to go along with
Ka egparulundulun iyan ka egparuma-ruma naan te keugpè din ne warè keupianan. Iling te egkengaayu-ayu ne egparuma-ruma naan iya te peg-ugpè din. Ka ikarangeb ne igpasabut kayi ne eglalag te minsan nekey diyè te duma sumalè te nakita rin diyè te kandan. Emun ke nakita rin ne due seyyup te senge etew ne nasì eggimuwi te mareet wey kenè egbulihan.
Nasì iya parulunduluni te duma ne menubu ka keugpè dan te egpakannekal la perem ne eggimu.
Some natives just go along with their living instead of striving hard.
Kenè nu parulunduluni te eg-apul sika su egbusawen ma sika.
Don't continue (lit. push yourself) to argue with that because he/she is crazy.
Kenè nu parulunduluni te eglalag ka sika ne etew ne impanamantamanan te eg-ehet te amey rin su egpakatimul ka te prublima.
Don't say bad things to that person that is has been scolded by his father because you will make the problem worst (lit. you can add to the problem).
Eng. judge badly; unfair judge; say bad things against other; go along with
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egparulundulun, migparulundulun/imparulundulun/pigparulundulun, agent, eg><ø-) to be worth of descrimination (egparulun-dulunan, imparulun-dulunan, patient, egpA><an-)
Eng. go along with; stay in an old manner; culture
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Updated by: TME,RJH,QDL,RJH
Last updated: 29/Jul/2014