Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a man who lived in ancient times as wild chicken hunter who became an evil spirit
Sabeka seini ne nurmal ne etew te dengan ne timpu, due kalasanen kayi ne egpeuk-ukaleen eyew te pegpanuhal, nataman egtalun e seini wey kenad egkeupian ne egkakita te etew hantud te egkaliyasan e sikandin ne egkakita te etew wey te naluhey ne timpu intaputan e sikandin te mareet ne me panisingan wey neyimu e sikandin ne busew.
Cult. Mantayu was a normal being he was fond of hunting wild chicken. He has a rooster wild chicken that used as an instrument to caught other wild chicken. He was lived in the forest until the time came that he was shy and afraid to saw and met people. Many years passed in staying forest until he was led by the evil spirit and became one of them.
Eng. evil; spirit variety; devil
DDP: Soul, spirit (3.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: RN

Updated by: RJH,QDL
Last updated: 15/Jan/2010