Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for a person or animal (egtalun, migtalun/intalun, talun, agent, eg><ø-) to live in the forest (egtalunan, intalunan/migtalunan/pigtalunan, talunani, location, eg><an-) for a long time
Eng. live in forest, to; dwell in forest, to; forest, live in
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(matalun, mA1-) dwelling in the forest (of a person or animal)
Eng. forest-dwelling; dwelling in the forest; living in the forest; of the forest; fond of the forest; forest, fond of; jungle-dwelling
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(mahintalunan, mahin><an-) an animal dwelling in the wilderness, often a boar
Nakasinehew a ka migtalukunan te mahintalunan ne babuy su hapit ad perem egkeumeyi.
I cried when the wild boar ran after me because it almost reached me.
Eng. wild animal; wilderness animal; animal, wild
OCM: Fauna (136)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

(katalunan, kA><an-) an uninhabited part of the forest
Ka katalunan sika sè lugal ne masalig pad kasè me kayu wey masalig pad kasè me leew ne me mananap iling te babuy, usa, ubal wey duma pad.
Ka Amey ku impanitingen diyè te katalunan te Ingedi.
My father went hunting there in the forest of Ingadi.
Eng. forest, uninhabited part; uninhabited forest; wilderness
Tag. kagubatan
Ceb. kalasangan
OCM: Ethnogeography (823), Flora (137)
DDP: Forest, grassland, desert (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 17/Jul/2015

Links to phrasebook

"mahintalunan" in text "Me mananap"