Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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prep, conj.
Def.: ligkat pad; puun pad (meyitenged te sasangan pad ne egkeyitabù)
MS: ligkat pad; puun pad
You use since when you give the starting time of an action that continues to now.
I've been walking since 6am.
Alas sayis pad ne migbunsud ad ka miggipanew ne taman e kuntee.
We haven't liked them ever since.
Warè key neupiì kandan ligkat pad dengan.
prep, conj.

Def.: ligkat...pad; puun pad (meyitenged te miglihad ne neyitabù ne sasangan pad)
MS: ligkat...pad; puun pad
You use not since when you talk about the last time before now that something happened.
I haven't seen her since yesterday.
Wara a nakakita kandin puun pad gabii.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; conjunctions

Def.: su; tenged te
MS: su; tenged te
You use since to talk about the reason for something.
Since you don't want to know, I'm not going to tell you.
Tenged te kenè ke ma egkeupian ne egpakataha, kena a egpanugtul kuna.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0151-0175
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Apr/2013