Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: iya mulè; dè due; rè due
MS: iya mulè; due; due
at any time (past, present or future)
I haven't ever seen a cobra.
Ware e pad iya mulè nakakita te dulepu.
Do you ever feel sick in the morning?
Warè ke due migderalu te maselem?
It's the best coffee I've ever tasted.
Seini ka amana ne tetelesi ne sikan ku pad iya mulè naherami.
I will not ever do that again.
Kena ad iya mulè eg-abey eggimu due.
I haven't ever seen a tarsier.
Ware e due nakakita te tinekkak.

Def.: layun
MS: layun
You use ever to say that something is always the case. (used in formal language).
Malaria is an ever-present problem there.
Sem.Dom.: adverbs; GSL0301-0325
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012