Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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out of
adj/adv + prep.
Def.: nakaligwang; nakaligwè
MS: nakaligwang; nakaligwè
If someone or something is out of a place, they are not there in that place any more.
The pencil is out of the bag.
Ka lapis nakaligwang te kabil.
She took a pencil out of her bag.
adj/adv + prep.

Def.: mariyù e; nakaligwang e; nakaawè e
MS: mariyù e; nakaligwang; nakaawè e
If you are out of a particular situation or condition, that is not your situation or condition any more.
He is still sick, but is out of danger.
Egderalu pad sikandin, piru mariyù e te karereetan.
adj/adv + prep.

Def.: naaminan
MS: naaminan
If you are out of something, it means that you don't have any more of it.
We're out of rice, so we need to buy some more.
Naaminan kid te behas, sikak keilangan kid man e ne egbebeli.

Def.: puun te (egpuunan)
MS: puun te
If something is made out of a material, that material is the original material.
That bowl is made out of glass.
Sika ne yahung puun te bildu.

Def.: puun te (meyitenged te aliddanan ne eggeramen)
MS: puun te
If you do something out of a particular feeling, that feeling is your reason for doing that thing.
She helped them out of kindness.
Migbulihan din sikandan puun te pegkeyid-u rin.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; adverbs; GSL0026-0050
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Aug/2012