Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-ct, n-pl.
Def.: baad te baley ne egpakapes-ek te tanè
the foundation (or foundations) of a building is the part of it in the ground, which it sits on.
Before you build a house, you must build a foundation.
n-ct, n-pl.

Def.: malemu wey keilangan ne baad wey ke pegtuu
the foundation (or foundations) of something is the basic idea or belief which the thing depends on.
Love is the foundation of true friendship.
Ka geyinawa ka hun-a wey keilangan ne baad te malehet ne pegpaal-alukuyey.
Sem.Dom.: plural nouns

Def.: grupu ne egpamitew te seleppì eyew te nateil ne katuyuan
an organization which provides money for a particular purpose such as research or charity work.
She started a foundation to help homeless children.
Migpabunsud sikandin te grupu te pegpamitew te seleppì eyew te warè me ugpaan ne me batè.

Def.: pegpabunsud te urganisasyun
MS: pegpabunsud te punduk
The action of starting an organization.
The foundation of this school was in 1975.
Ka pegpabunsud te seini ne iskuylaan [iskuyla͡an] neyitabù te 1975.
See found
Sem.Dom.: AWL7
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012