Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kinewun-aan [kinewun-a͡an], keilangan ne malemu
MS: kinewun-aan, keilangan ne malemu
If something is basic, it is simple and necessary.
Food and shelter are basic human needs.
Ka keenen wey ugpaan ka kinewun-aan [kinewun-a͡an] ne me keilangan te me etew.

Def.: lelemuwi wey duen dè keilangan ne egpakatahù
MS: lelemuwi
If something is basic, it is very simple, and only has what is necessary (e.g., a basic cellphone, a basic house).
Their house is quite basic, with very little furniture.
Ka baley ran su lelemuwi , ne duen deisek ne me tahù.
I have a basic cellphone which doesn't have features such as a camera.
Due lelemuwi ne silpun ku ne warè me impurtanti ne iling te kamira.
I have some basic computer skills, but there is still a lot that I don't know.
Ka malemu wey keilangan ubag ka natuenan ku te kumpyutir, piru duen pad masulug ne warè ku pad natueni.

Def.: hun-a ne bali wey ke nakuwa ne seleppì ne warè labet te duma ne nakatimul
A basic price or basic income does not include extra things such as tax or bonuses.

Def.: me kasangkapan ne malemu wey keilangan
The basics are simple and important things that you need.
She taught me the basics of the guitar, and then I just practiced by myself.
Impanulù e nikandin te malemu wey keilangan te gitara, wey migbebasbas ad te keddì .
If you are walking a long distance, just carry the basics with you, such as rice and water.
Ke eggipanew ka te mariyù, uyan ke te keilangan nu ne malemu, iling te weyig wey keenen.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0551-0575
Status: ready

Last updated: 08/Apr/2013