Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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MS: warè nakuwa ka igkeupii
Def.: warè nakuwa ka igkeupii
If you fail, you are not able to do something that you try to do.
He tried to carry the big sack, but failed.
Miggeraman din te egtiang ka dakel ne saku, piru warè din neelehi.

Def.: warè neyimu
MS: warè neyimu
If you fail to do something that you should do, you don't do it. If something fails to happen, it doesn't happen.
He failed to pay his workers last week.
Warè din nabayari ka me trabaanti [traba͡anti] rin te miglihad ne simana.
It failed to rain last week, so the road is very dry.

Def.: warè neyimu ka langun ne eggimuwen; egkapakyas
MS: warè neyimu; egkapakyas
If you fail in a duty, you do not do everything that you should do.
She feels that she has failed as a mother.
Miggeram din ne napakyas sikandin te pegkainey rin.

Def.: egsanggel te peg-andar su due prublima
If something such as a machine fails, it stops working because there is a problem.
The generator failed, so we had no light.
Ka diniritur kenad eg-andar, sika ka warè sulù ta.
His heart failed and he died.

Def.: warè nakuwa ka kalayat wey ke karakel ne eleg ne egkakuwa
MS: egkabagsak
If you fail something such as a test, your result is not good enough to pass.
He failed his maths test.
Nabagsak sikandin te tis din te maat [ma͡at].
Sem.Dom.: GSL0726-0750

Def.: 1 pegkawarè nakuwa ka igkeupii; 2 pegkawarè neyimu; 3 pegkawarè neyimu ka langun ne eggimuwen 4 pegsanggel te peg-andar su due prublima; 5 pegkabagsak
MS: pegkawarè nakuwa ka igkeupii; pegkawarè neyimu; pegkawarè neyimu ka langun ne eggimuwen; pegsanggel te peg-andar su due prublima; pegkabagsak
the action of failing.
Note: senses 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Sem.Dom.: GSL1001-1025
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012