Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-ct, n-uc.
Def.: pekeyimu ne eggimu; katuenan
MS: pekeyimu ne eggimu; katuenan
Your capacity for something is your ability to do it.
She has a great capacity for making friends.
Due dakel ne katuenan din te pegpangalukuy.

Def.: egpakatahù
MS: egpakatahù
the amount or number that a container, room or building can hold.
The bottle has a capacity of one liter.
Ka butilya due egpakatahù ne me sabeka ne litru.
The capacity of the stadium is 20,000 people.

Def.: kinarakelan ne egkeyimu
MS: kinarakelan ne egkeyimu; egkeyimu, kinarakelan ne
The capacity of something such as a factory or farm is the maximum amount which it can produce.
That factory has a capacity of 500 sacks per day.
That hen has a capacity of two eggs per day.
Ka sika ne upa egpakaatelug te daruwa ne buuk te tagsè sabeka

Def.: himu; katenged
MS: himu; katenged
the job or position that you have. If you do something in a particular capacity, you do it as part of that job or position.
He has many responsibilities in his capacity as Barangay captain.
Masalig ka me katenged din te himu rin ne isip kepitan te Barangay.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012