Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: parapig
MS: parapig
If you put something aside, you put it on one side of you and don't use it, maybe because you are finished with it.
She wasn't hungry, so she pushed aside her bowl of soup.
Warè gutasi sikandin, sika ka migsirul din parapig ka intahuan te sabew.

Def.: pasili
MS: pasili
If you move aside, you move to one side of a person's pathway because they want to move past you.
He was walking slowly, so he stepped aside to let the other people pass him.
Migpahanad-ganad miggipanew sikandin, sika ka migdapig sikandin pasili eyew egpakabayè ka duma ne etew.

Def.: gawas
MS: gawas
You use aside to say that you don't want to include something in what you are saying.
Aside from Monday night, it hasn't rained all week.
Gawas te marusilem te Lunis, warad iya mig-uran te langun ne simana.
Sem.Dom.: adverbs

Def.: lalag ne warè labet te egpangasaken
a short thing that someone says that is not related to the topic which they are talking about.
It's hard to talk with him when he's with his friends, because he keeps making asides to them.
Malised ne egpakiglalag kandin ke due me alukuy rin, su egkasensè sikandan.
It's hard to talk with him, because he is always adding asides, instead of really listening to me.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1201-1225

set aside
Def.: egteil
MS: egteil
If you set something such as money aside, you don't use it for general things because you are waiting to use it for a particular thing.
Every month I try to set aside some money, because I am saving for a motorbike.
Tagsè bulan egteil a te duma ne seleppì, su eglilimud a para te mutur ku.

take aside
Def.: egganuyen pariyù
MS: egganuyen pariyù
If you take someone aside, you take them a small distance away from other people because you want to talk with them privately.
She took me aside and began to explain her problem.
Ingganuy a nikandin pariyù wey migbunsud sikandin miglalag te prublima rin.
Status: not yet fully checked

Last updated: 25/Jan/2012