Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egsulat te maheteng ne egpanengneng te igkeupii (iling te himu)
If you apply for something such as a job, you write a formal letter to say that you want that thing.
I applied for three jobs.

Def.: eggamit te natuenan
MS: eggamit te natuenan
If you apply something that you know, you use it in a practical way.
In my new job, I have a chance to apply the things that I learned in my course.
Te iyam ne trabahu ku, due timpu ku ne eggamit te minsan nekey ne natuenan ku puun te kursu ku.

Def.: egpanahù
MS: egpanahù
If you apply something to a surface, you spread that thing on that surface (e.g., paint on a wall, make-up on your face).
She applied make-up to her face.
They applied polish to the floor.

Def.: himuwa (te mapahetpet)
MS: himuwa
If you apply yourself to something, you work hard at doing that thing.
He is very bright, but he doesn't apply himself, so his grades are not good.
Amana ne matagseb sikandin, piru warè din himuwa diyè te keugalingen din, sika ka kenè ne meupiya ka gradu rin.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0526-0550
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012