Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: peg-angken
MS: peg-angken
the action of saying that something bad is true, even though you don't want to say it (make an admission).
Everyone was surprised by his admission that he had taken the money.
Ka tagsè sabeka natekkew te peg-angken din ne sikandin ka migkuwa te seleppì.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: pegpaseled; pegdawat
MS: pegpaseled; pegdawat
the action of allowing someone to enter a place.
We can't enter that place, because the sign says 'No Admission'.
Kenè ki egpakaseled te sika ne lugar, su ka palinneu migkahi te 'kenè egpaseled'.

Def.: bayad eyew te pegseled
MS: bayad eyew te pegseled
the amount of money which you pay to enter a place.
We work at the cinema, so we don't have to pay admission for movies.
Migtrabahu ki te sinima, sika ka kenè kid keilangan ne egbayad pad te pegseled ta eyew te pegtengteng te salida.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1601-1625
Note: include, because related to 'admit'
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012