Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eg-addat; egbassa
MS: eg-addat; egbassa
If you admire someone, you respect them because you think they are very good.
I admire him because he is very brave.
Eg-addat a kandin su amana ne mabulut sikandin.

Def.: egtengtengan wey egsuman-suman ne meupiya ka minsan nekey
If you admire something, you look at it and think that it is very good.
We sat and admired the beautiful view from the hill.
Migmaminnuu ki wey migtengteng te keupiya te bubungan.
I was just admiring your shirt; where did you buy it?
Migtengteng e te kumbalè nu, hendei nu beliya sika?
Sem.Dom.: GSL1251-1275
Status: not yet fully checked

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012