Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: pegtuu; pegsabut
MS: pegtuu; pegsabut
Your perspective on something is what you think about it, and how it affects you.
From a farmer's perspective, the dry weather is bad.
Para te me mabasuk ne pegtuu, ka mammara ne timpu mareet.
If you want to understand people, it is important to try to look at things from their perspective.

Def.: katuenan ne egpakakita te sitwasyun ne malehet
the ability to see a situation as it really is. You say that something is in perspective.
When I see the problems of others, it helps me to put my own small problems in perspective.
Te nakita ku ka prublima te duma, nakabulig seini keddì ne egkakita ku ne deisek bes ka keddin prublima.

Def.: pegtengteng ne hendue te mariyù ne hendue man e te marani
In a painting, perspective is the fact that some things in the picture look like they are far away from you, and other things look like they are close.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Jun/2012