Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: nekeglundug; nekeg-iling te egpatangkaan
MS: nekeglundug; nekeg-iling te egpatangkaan
If one line or thing is parallel to another, it goes in the same direction as that other thing.
Our fence is parallel to the road.
Ka alad ta nekeg-lundug te kelesadda.

Def.: nekeg-iling
MS: nekeg-iling
If one thing or situation is parallel to another, it is similar to it, or happens at the same time.
My friend and I are in parallel situations: we are both the oldest in the family.
Ka alukuy ku wey siak nekeg-iling key te sitwasyun: sikanami daruwa ka me panganey ne anak te pamilya.
There were parallel graduation ceremonies at the two schools, so my grandmother couldn't go to both.

Def.: egpekeg-iling
MS: egpekeg-iling
If one thing or situation parallels another, it is similar to it, or happens at the same time.
Your experience with the snake parallels another story that I heard last week. Maybe it is the same snake.
Ka nakita nu ne uled egpekeg-iling te duma ne guhuren ne narineg ku seeyè se hun-a ne simana. Kema ke iyan ded ne uled.

Def.: pegkeiling
MS: pegkeiling
something that is similar between two things or situations.
It's difficult to find parallels between the two movies, because they are completely different.
Amana ne malised ka egpeg-iling te daruwa ne salida, uya su amana ne nekeg-lein sikandan.
Sem.Dom.: AWL4
Status: ready

Last updated: 19/May/2012