Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpakabayè; egpekeulaula; eggeram
MS: egpakabayè; egpekeulaula; eggeram
If you experience something, it happens to you.
I experienced a big flood when I was a child.
I am experiencing a lot of back pain at the moment.
n-ct, n-uc.

Def.: pangitabù; neulaula; nabaybayaan
MS: pangitabù; neulaula; nabaybayaan
something that has happened to you, or that you have done.
The big flood was a terrible experience.
She is a good person for the job, because she has a lot of experience in this type of work.
I respect my grandfather's advice, because he has a lot of life experience.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0276-0300
Status: ready

Last updated: 21/Jan/2013