Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: langun ne kayi te inged ne kenè ne hinimu te etew
all of the world that is not made by humans (e.g., animals, plants, water).
He loves walking in the mountains because he enjoys nature.

Def.: Egkahamit seini ke eglalag ka ke nekey ne klasiyan te butang ka minsan nekey.
You use nature to say what kind of thing something is.
She wanted to talk to me about a problem of a financial nature.
Egkeupian sikandin ne egpakiglalag keddì meyitenged te prublima te paneleppì ne baad.

Def.: ka batasan te minsan nekey
MS: batasan
The nature of something is what it is like, and the things which are part of it.
If you have ameba, you will get diarrhoea. That is the nature of ameba.
Ke due amiba nu, egpangindes ka degma. Su sika ka batasan te amiba.

Def.: menà wey ke batasan te etew
MS: menà; batasan
A person's nature is their personality and character.
He has a very gentle nature.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0226-0250
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012