Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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prep, adv.
Def.: te dulug; marani; lenged
MS: dulug, te; marani; lenged
If you are near something, you are not far from it.
She sat near the fire.
Migpinnuu sikandin te dulug te hapuy.
She moved near the fire.

Def.: egpalundani
MS: egpalundani
If something nears something else, it moves closer to it (in space or time).
We are nearing the town now.
Egpalundaniyan kid e te lungsud.
We are nearing the end of the year.
Egpalundaniyan kid e te keepusan te tuig.
Sem.Dom.: prepositions; GSL0276-0300
Status: ready

Last updated: 25/Jan/2012