Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: lebut; igtubù
MS: lebut; igtubù
the lowest part of something, the part which it sits or stands on (e.g., the base of a mountain, the base of a cup).
We camped near the base of the mountain, and climbed up the next day.

Def.: egpapuun
MS: egpapuun
If you base one thing on another thing, you make it by using or changing the other thing.
He based his book on a true story.
Migpapuun din ka libru rin te malehet ne pangguhuren.

Def.: mig-ugpaan; migligkatan
MS: mig-ugpaan; migligkatan
The base of a person or group is the place where they stay and do their work or organize their activities (e.g., an army base).
My son is in the army, and he lives at the army base.

Def.: mareet (meyitenged te himu wey ke geramen)
MS: mareet
A base action or feeling is one that is not good or right.
Advertising often works on people's base instincts such as greed.

Def.: ka keilangan amana ne butang eyew te peggimu te lein ne butang.
When you mix things together to make something (e.g. a food, or a chemical), the base is the most important one of those things. You add the other things to the base.
This sauce uses tomatoes as a base.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0776-0800
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012