Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: hendei, hentew-a; hentew
MS: hendei; hentew-a; hentew
You use whom to ask or talk about the person that is the object of the verb. Whom is formal, and some people just use who.
Whom were you talking to?
Hentew-a ka inpakiglalahan nu?
To whom were you talking?
Para hentew-a ka eglalahan nu?
Sem.Dom.: pronouns

Def.: ne
MS: ne
You use whom to say something more about the person who is the object of the verb. Some people just use who.
The girl to whom I spoke was a friend of my cousin.
Ka malitan ne migpakiglalahan ku su alukuy te suled ku.
I met a girl whom my cousin knew.
Nakalambag a te malitan ne ka suled ku nekeila kandin.
Sem.Dom.: relative pronouns; GSL2251-2275
Note: include, because function word
Status: ready

Last updated: 19/Jan/2012