Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a sibling or cousin
Wrd.Gloss: sibling; cousin
Cult. a person's relative of the same generation who shares with that person the same relationship to a common ancestor
Eng. sibling; brother; cousin; first cousin
Tag. kapatíd; pinsan
Ceb. ig-agaw
Ilo.: kasínsin
Tigwanon: suled
Binukid: suled
WBM: suled
Ilianen: suled
Obo: sued
Proto: suled
OCM: Kin Relationships (602)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: B

a close relative
Wrd.Gloss: relative
Eng. relative, close; close relative
Tag. kamag-ának
Ceb. paryinti
Ilo.: kabagyan
OCM: Kin Relationships (602)
Idiom: bawed e ne suled
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egsuled-suled, migsuled-suled/insuled-suled, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to call cousin at someone else (egsuled-suleren, migsuled-suled/insuled-suled/pigsuled-suled, patient, eg><en-rdpRT-)
Hanew ta mania te egsuled-suled ubag si Tata keddì?
I don't know why that Tata called me cousin?
Eng. cousin
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
(tahasuled, taha-) either first, second, etc. cousin
Eng. cousin; cousin
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

the form of address for a male to a stranger of his age or older
Wrd.Gloss: mate
Eng. mate
Online dict status: -
Usage level: B

Updated by: RJH,QDL
Last updated: 24/Jan/2014

Links to texts

"suled" in text "Dreaming of being Rich"

"suled" in text "A Barrio Captain Introduces Himself (Egpataha te Ngaran)"

"suled" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"suled" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"suled" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"suled" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"suled" in text "Violence at Palakpakan Fiesta"

"suled" in text "Proving Innocence II (When Accused of Adultery)"

"suled" in text "Proving Innocence II (When Accused of Adultery)"

"suled" in text "Aurelio's Marriage"

Links to phrasebook

"suled" in text "Ka pamilya"

"suled" in text "Due daruwan lukes ne nekegsinug-ung diye te dalan"

"Suled" in text "Due daruwan lukes ne nekegsinug-ung diye te dalan"

"suled" in text "Due daruwan lukes ne nekegsinug-ung diye te dalan"

"suled" in text "Impanubaley si Pidru perem diye te baley te Kepitan. Nekegsinug-ung kew ki Huwan diye te dalan wey due duma rin"

Links to health books

"suled" in healthbook "Ka an-anayan ne peg-uyamu ni Lolita te mig-anak"

"suled" in healthbook "Ka an-anayan ne peg-uyamu ni Lolita te mig-anak"

"suled" in healthbook "Ka an-anayan ne peg-uyamu ni Lolita te mig-anak"

"suled" in healthbook "Ka an-anayan ne peg-uyamu ni Lolita te mig-anak"

"suled" in healthbook "Ka an-anayan ne peg-uyamu ni Lolita te mig-anak"

Link to Bible concordance


Links to songbook

"suled" in song "Nahale-gale a"

"suled" in song "Nahale-gale a"

"suled" in song "Deyrayen ta ka Manama"

"suled" in song "Deyrayen ta ka Manama"

"suled" in song "Ka aldew te peglibed te Manama"