Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkakita ne kamalehetan; ibidinsya
MS: egkakita ne kamalehetan; ibidinsiya
the things which show that something is true.
There is a lot of evidence which shows that fish is a healthy food.
Due masalig ne egkakita ne kamalehetan ne ka peit meupiya ne egkakeen.
The lawyer produced many pieces of evidence to show that the man was innocent.

Def.: amana egkakita ne eggeramen ne geyinawa
If you evidence something such as a feeling, you show it clearly.
She evidenced sadness when she looked at the pictures.
Amana egkakita ka kalaggew rin ke egpitew sikandin te litratu.
Sem.Dom.: AWL1
Status: ready

Last updated: 04/Apr/2013