Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpekeeleg te minsan malised; egpakakaya te minsan malised
MS: egpekeeleg; egpakakaya
If you manage to do something, you are able to do it, even though it is difficult.
The river was deep but they managed to cross it together.
Maralem ka weyig piru nakalapas ded langun sikandan.

Def.: egkeuyag
MS: egkeuyag
If you manage, you are able to survive or continue, even though it is difficult.
We don't have much money, but we manage.
Warè amana seleppì ney, piru neuyag key red.
Your house is so far from water. How do you manage?
Mariyù amana ne weyig ka baley niyu. Menuwen niyu te egkeuyag?

Def.: egpakateil wey ke egpakaalahè (meyitenged te pegteil wey peg-alahè te uras wey seleppì)
If you manage something such as time or money, you control it or organize it.
She has many things to do, but she manages her time very well, so she is able to do everything.
Masalig amana ka eggimuwen din, piru amana rin egkaalahè ka uras din, su egpekeyimu pad sikandin te minsan nekey.

Def.: eg-uyan wey ke egpapallahuy (iling te nigusyu)
If you manage something such as a business, you control and organize it.
The son managed the store after his father became sick.
Ka anak ka mig-uyan te tindaan dan te pegderalu te amey rin.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0401-0425

Def.: 3 pegpaneil; 4 peg-uyan
MS: pegpaneil; peg-uyan
the action of controlling or organizing people or things.
She has excellent money management skills.
Amana ne meupiya sikandin ne egpaneil te seleppì.
Def.: me talag-uyan
MS: talag-uyan, me
the people who control a company.
I don't have authority to do that; I'll have to check with management.
Warè katenged ku te peggimu due; eg-inseen ku pad diyè te talag-uyan.
Sem.Dom.: collective nouns
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012