Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: malayat wey maluag ne immanipis te pegsapsap ne kayu eyew egmapatag para te baley; tabla
MS: tabla
a long, wide piece of wood that has been cut to make it flat. Used in building.
The walls of my house are made of boards.

Def.: punduk ne due katenged diyè te kumpanya
MS: punduk
a group of people who control a company or organization, or who have some special responsibility.
The board of directors will decide about that.

Def.: eg-ugpè diyè te kenè ne baley nu (wey egbayaran nu)
MS: eg-ugpè
If you board somewhere that is not your home, you pay to live and eat there.
I boarded with my aunt and uncle when I was a high school student.

Def.: bayad te peg-ugpè
MS: bayad te peg-ugpè
the money which you pay to live at a place.
The board at that place is quite cheap, and it is a good boarding house.
vt, vi.

Def.: egseled te unturanan; eg-untud
MS: egseled te unturanan; eg-untud
If you board a public transport vehicle such as a bus or airplane, you enter that vehicle.
She boarded the bus and paid the conductor.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0351-0375
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012