Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(sisiman, -an) an artesian spring of salty water
Wrd.Gloss: salty_spring
Cult. Used in the past as a source of salt. The water was carried home in bamboo tubes to be used for cooking vegetables.
Eng. spring, salty; salty spring; spring, artesian; artesian spring
OCM: Mineral Resources (135), Water Supply (312), Ethnogeography (823)
DDP: Spring, well (, Be in water (1.3.4)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for animals and birds (egsisim, migsisim/insisim, agent, eg><ø-) to drink at a natural salty spring (egsisimen, patient, eg><en-) somewhere (egsisiman, insisiman/migsisiman, location, eg><an-)
Data Qual: maybe this is just the water, not the spring (which might be location?)
Egsisim ka kambing su namaraan e sikandin.
The goat drink at salty spring for its thirsty.
Eng. drink at salty spring, animals to; animals to drink at salty spring; salty spring, animals to drink at; artesian spring, animals to drink at
OCM: Ethnozoology (825)
DDP: Animal eating (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 13/Oct/2009