Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka sayudsud ne lalag egkahamit ke due etew ne kenad egpekeeleg wey ke egkelkelen naa ne egpakakahes e ka paa rin te tanè wey ke buel rin naa diyè te tanè. Kaayun ne egpuunan kayi ka newubug-hubug, egpatey e te gutas, egderalu, naagsilan wey ke naaldek naa.
Bantayi niyu ne kenè egpakasayudsud ka me paa rin te me batu ke yayungan niyu sikandin.
Watch his feet so that it is not dragging to the stone when you carry (in the stretcher) him.
Nasayudsud ka buel ku gabii su haagsile ka timpu.
My toes trembled yesterday because of the very cold weather.
Data Qual: The second example doesn't use the MS word [RJH 10Feb14]
Eng. tremble; shake; shook
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 06/Feb/2014
Updated by: RAA,RJH,RAA,RJH
Last updated: 08/Jul/2016