Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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an enemy or opponent
Ka kunterè iyan ka masumpit ne eg-ehet te duma. Amana egsuwak ka langesa rin te duma rin wey eggimatey ke egpakayad-ayad. Subla pad seini te eg-ehet.
Masulug ka kunterè ni Babi su egkasekel sikandan kandin.
Bobby has many enemies because they are envious of him.
Iyan kunterè dengan te me Menubù ka me Biseyè su me lemeten nahud.
The enemy before of the Manobos were the Visayans because they are mocking.
Wrd.Gloss: enemy
Syn. kalaban
Eng. enemy; foe; opponent; hostile; adversary; opposition
Ceb. kaaway
Tag. kaaway
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone or ones (egkunterè, agent, eg><ø-) to oppose someone else (egkuntereen, theme, eg><en-)
Eng. oppose
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Ka kunterè iyan ka igngaran te igpasukub te minsan nekey ne kelag, himu ne egpataluwey. Ka daruwa egpegtaluwen ke hentew ka egdeeg.
Iyan igpakunterè te kuddè ni Ruki ka matig-Dabaw ne kuddè su warad eg-atu kayi te Simud.
It will be Ruki’s horse versus from Dabaw because nothing will fight of it here in Simud.
Me matig-Tulay kuntee ka egkunterè te matig-Tawas ka egbubula kuntee.
Players from Tulay will play against Tawas players now.
Iyan ku egkuntereen te egpallahuy si Kiram su mahaan egkeepuk.
I will go against with Kiram in track and field because he has short breath.
Meupiya ka batek ne maangkag kunterè te meitem.
Color white is better compare to black.
Meemis ka duriyan kunterè te beyabas.
Durian is sweet compare to guava.
Mani buwa te manekal ka lukes kunterè te malitan?
Why man is stronger than woman?
Eng. versus; against
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
compare with
Me-meupiya ne eg-ayamen ka asu kunterè te miyew.
It's better to domesticate the dog than cat.
Ka kunterè iyan ka lalag ne igpataliwarè te egpeg-ilengen wey egpasuwayen. Seini ne lalag iyan ka egpeg-iling wey egpeglein te minsan nekey ne egpeg-ilengen.
Eng. compared with; than; compared; rather; against
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F

Last updated: 18/Oct/2016

Links to health books

"kuntere" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"kuntere" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"kuntere" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"kuntere" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"kuntere" in healthbook "Eg-ay-ayaran ta ka me ngipen ta"

Links to songbook

"kuntere" in song "Me sundalu ni Kristu"

"kuntere" in song "Sasindeg ki diye ki Kristu"

"kuntere" in song "Sasindeg ki diye ki Kristu"

"kuntere" in song "Sasindeg ki diye ki Kristu"

"kuntere" in song "Hisus, egsaad a"