Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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sign board
Ka keretula iyan ka eggimuwen ligkat te kayu, batu, simintu, putew ne egsulatan te tuus, paney-paney wey balaud ne diyè igpareket te me kayu wey minsan hendei ne egkakita/egkabasa te etew eyew egpakanengneng sikandan te ingkenè wey impaney-paney.
Due keretula ne intahù diyè te dibabew te krus ni Kristu ne miggenendue, "Seini ka Hari te me Hudiyu".
There is a sign board placed in the top of Jesus' cross saying, "This is the king of the Jews".
Seinid ka etew ne egpanamantaman egpepallahuy te marusilem te mutur din ne warè sulu kunaleg te egpakasungkul rin e te keretula ne imbalabag diyè te dalan.
The man riding his motorbike in speed even it has no light that is why he'd bumped to the signboard blocking the way.
Kenè nu ubala ka keretula su egkareetan ne eggimu kid e man e.
Don't play with the signboard for it might be broken and we will make one more again.
Eng. sign board; display; caution
Ceb. karatola
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: TME,RJH,TME,RJH
Last updated: 29/Jul/2014

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