Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egkabehang, nabehang, actor, egkA><ø-) to become sick or injured, e.g., a breastfed child whose mother eats the wrong foods, or someone who accidentally bashes themselves on something
Wrd.Gloss: sick
Egkabehang ka batè ke egpakakeen ka iney te kenè ne meupiya ne egkeenen te eglitan.
The baby become sick when the mother eat some bad food that she need to care for the baby.
Cult. Bad foods for a breastfeeding mother include taro leaves (tubed), egg-plant (sehuteng), salted fish (bulad), cassava (binggala) and sweet potato with red skins (kasilè ne malalab se luwit) or yellow sweet potato (bellè)
Eng. sick; ill; injured
DDP: Injure (2.5.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for a new-born baby (egkabehang, nabehang, actor, egkA><ø-) to become sick by drinking bad mother's milk or by having its fingernails cut before about three months of age
Egkabehang ka iyam pad miglesut ne batè ke egpakakeen ka iney te kenè ne meupiya.
The new born baby will get sick when the mother eats the unhealthy food.
Cult. There are a number of foods which are not recommended for a feeding mother to eat in the first week after giving birth. These are: cold water, salt asin, deer usa, egg-plant sehutung, balanak and subbuk (types of fish), red corn, cassava binggala, red-skinned sweet potato, wild pork, dried fish bulad, and taro leaves tubed. Basically anything which is associated with a red color is prohibited. Other foods (especially those associated with white) are acceptable and these include: chicken manuk, string beans sitaw, white rice ballas, white-skinned sweet potato, white corn, carp, small fish peit, domestic pork, linala, sardines and bananas sahing.
Eng. sick; ill
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for plants (egkabehang, nabehang, actor, egkA><ø-) to become stunted in growth because of calamity and people activities
Eng. stunted, to become
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 30/Jul/2011