Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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adj, n-ct.
Def.: mareet (ne himu)
MS: mareet
A wrong action is bad.
It is wrong to hurt people.
Mareet ne himu ka egpasakit ka te me etew.
adj, adv.

Def.: seyyup; sayep
MS: seyyup; sayep
Something wrong is not true or not correct.
He got two answers wrong on the exam.
Daruwa ka seyyup ne tabak din te iksam din.

Def.: kenè ne eleg ka suman-suman
MS: kenè ne eleg
If you are wrong about something, your thinking is not correct.
She thought it was a snake, but she was wrong.

Def.: egpekeyimu te mareet ne egpakapasakit te duma
MS: egpekeyimu te mareet
If you wrong someone, you do something bad that hurts them.
He wronged his wife by leaving her.
Nekeyimu sikandin te pegpasakit te asawa rin pinaahi te peg-engked din.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0751-0775
Status: ready

Last updated: 24/Sep/2012