Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone or something (e.g., a tooth)
Data Qual: check this gli - it would be good to find an example with 'tooth'
(eg-eakeb, mig-eakeb/in-eakeb, agent, eg><ø-rdpCV-) to put on an apron or other clothing in order to cover their dirty clothes (eg-eakeban, in-eakeban/mig-eakeban/pig-eakeban, location, eg><an-rdpCV-)
Ka eg-eakeb iyan ka pegsaluub te lein pad man e ne manggad minsan duen insaluub din. Egkaayun ke igsaluub te paa, te lawa, te ulu, te belad wey duma pad ne egkasaluuban te minsan nekey.
Eg-eakeb a te kumbalè ke eglipereng a su maagsil ke marusilem.
I wore another clothe when I'm sleeping because it's so cold on nightime.
Eng. put on apron; put on overclothes; apron, put on; overclothes, put on; cover over
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
Eng. underneath
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (peg-akeben, agent, peg><en-)
Data Qual: why a peg- form for a verb?
to place things on top of each other; stack up papers, books, plates, boards, etc; to wear lots of clothes on top of each other
Ka peg-akeben iyan ka peglelapis te igsaluub. Egkaayun ne egpeglapisen ka minsan nekey ne egkaayun ne igsaluub te lawa iling te kumbalè, salakey, wey minsan nekey pad. Egkaayunan degma kayi kame malumbayag ne me butang.
Peg-akeben ta ka kumbalè ta su maagsil kuntee ne timpu su eglengleng.
We should double our clothes for the today is cold because it's rainy season.
Syn. peglapisen
Eng. place on top; stack up; cover over; plaster over; coated
Online dict status: c
Usage level: R

Last updated: 31/Jul/2019

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