Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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the part of an edible animal that a particular person always gets
Ka abin iyan ka in-angken te etew ne amana rin iya igkeibeg. Iyan egkaayunan kayi ka langun ne egkakeen.
Ka ulù ka keddì ne abin.
The head is always my share.
Naanad a ne duè abin su sika nahud ka eggimuwen te apu ku.
I use to have portion of fish, and meat because that always my grandmother did.
Eng. regular portion; usual portion; always your portion; favorite portion; desired portion
DDP: Prefer (, Want (3.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (eg-abin, mig-abin/in-abin, agent, eg><ø-) to request or claim a share or part of something (eg-abinen, in-abin/mig-abin/pig-abin, theme, eg><en-) for themselves
Emun ke duè egpekeutel te babuy, usa, kasili ne dakel, egkuwa a te sabeka ne gupal ne eg-abinen ku.
When someone is able to slaughter pig, deer, or big eel, I am going to take one large share for myself.
In-abin ni Rani ka ulu te babuy sikan naa ka warè egpakaahew.
Rani took pig head that's why no one can take it.
Eng. prepare; share; portion
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (eg-aabin, mig-aabin/in-aabin, agent, eg><ø-rdpCV-) to strongly request or claim a share or part of something (eg-aabinen, in-aabin/mig-aabin/pig-aabin, patient, eg><en-rdpCV-)
Ka eg-abinen iyan ka eg-alam te baad te ngalap ne amana igkateltelesi te egkeen te sabeka ne etew.
Eng. take your share; claim a share; demand a share; request a share; share
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egpaabin, migpaabin/impaabin, agent, eg><ø-pA-) to give a share (egpaabinen, migpaabin/impaabin/pig-paabin, theme, eg><en-pA-) to someone else (egpaabinan, migpaabinan/impaabinan/pigpaabinan, recipient, egpA><an-) for a reason (igpaabini, migpaabini/impaabini/pigpaabini, reason, igpA-i)
Impaabin ku te anugang ku.
I gave a share to my father-in-law.
Eng. give a share; share
OCM: Gift Giving (431)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

(maabin-abin, mA1-rdpRT-) possessive
Eng. possessive
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 20/Aug/2018