Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: igpasabut
MS: igpasabut
The implication of words or actions is the meaning that they communicate.
He didn't say so directly, but his implication was that we should help him.
Warè din utasa te eglalag, piru ka igpasabut din ne keilangan ki ne egbulig kandin.
See imply

Def.: kapabulusan wey ke kapangkusan te himu
MS: kapabuluan; kapangkusan
an implication of an action is an effect that is expected to come from it.
There will be a lot of implications for your family if you choose to move to another area.
Due masalig ne egkapabulusan niyu te taltalaanak ke eg-alam ka ne eggalin ugpè diyè te lein ne inged.

Def.: egpakita ne due kalabetan nu te neyimu ne krimin
Your implication in a crime is the fact that something shows you were part of it.
His implication in the robbery caused him to lose his job.
Ka pegkalabet din te pegpanakew nakapaawè kandin te trabahu.
Sem.Dom.: AWL4
Status: ready

Last updated: 20/Sep/2012