Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: ligwang ne baad te minsan nekey
MS: ligwang ne baad
Something external is on the outside part of something (e.g., the external wall of a house, an external pocket on a bag).
You must not eat that medication, only put it on your skin, because it is for external use only.
Kenè nu keena ka sika ne bawì, itahù nu sika diyè te laplap nu, su eggamiten seini te panligwang ne baad te lawa.

Def.: puun te ligwang te etew wey kasangkapan
MS: puun te ligwang
Something external comes from outside a person or thing (e.g., a problem).
She feels peaceful, even though there are a lot of external stresses.
Malinawen sikandin, minsan pad masalig ka egpakaralusung kandin puun te ligwang.

Def.: due kalabetan te lein ne inged
MS: lein ne inged, due kalabetan te
For a country, external things are connected to other countries.
External sales decreased last year, but sales within the country increased.
Ka belegyè ne diyè te lein ne inged te seini ne tuig migmeyinay, piru ka belegyè kayi te seled te inged migmanekal.

Def.: panligwang ne egkakita ne sitwasyun (meyitenged te kenè ne malehet)
MS: panligwang ne egkakita ne sitwasyun (meyitenged te kenè ne malehet)
If something is external, it is what something looks like, and it is not the real situation.
His happiness is only external, and in reality he is lonely.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012