Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: pegtengteng ne amana egdandanii [dandani͡i] wey eg-ay-ayari
MS: pegtengteng ne amana egdandanii; pegtengteng ne amana eg-ay-ayari
the action of looking at something very closely and carefully.
Examination of the plant showed that it had small spots on the leaves.

Def.: pegpitew wey ke pegleuy te peglelawa
MS: pegpitew te peglelawa; pegleuy te peglelawa
an action of a doctor checking your body to find problems.
I went to the doctor for an examination.
Miggendiya a te duktur eyew te pegpapitew te peglelawa ku.

Def.: peggeram te me istudyanti
MS: peggeram te me istudyanti
a test for students. The short form is 'exam'.
I have a history examination tomorrow.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0826-0850 - related
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012