Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: keuremè
MS: keuremè
The future is the period of time after now.
I don't know what life will be like in the future.
Kena a egpakataha ke mamenu ka umul keuremè.

Def.: pangitabù ne egginguma
MS: pangitabù ne egginguma
A future event is something that will happen in the time after now.
So what are your future plans?
She asked me to help with future meetings.

Def.: Egkahamit seini ke eglalahen ta ka minsan hentew wey ke minsan nekey ne due nateil ne katenged te egginguma pad ne timpu.
You use future to describe someone or something that will have a particular role in the future (but doesn't have it yet).
I am a new teacher, and I hope that I can help my future students.
Iyam a ne talagpanulù, wey eglaum a ne egpakabulig a te egginguma pad ne me istudyanti ku.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0476-0500
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012