Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-ct, adj.
Def.: iling ded, nekeg-iling
MS: iling ded; nekeg-iling
If one thing is equivalent to another, or is the equivalent of another, it is the same as that thing in some way.
The price of a carabao is the equivalent of many months' pay.
Ka bali te kalabew nekeg-iling te masalig ne bulan te pegbayad.
Mix equivalent amounts of water and coconut milk.
Sewug te nekeg-iling ne karakelan te weyig wey gatè.
In a school, the principal is the equivalent of a company manager.
The vitamin C in one of these tablets is equivalent to the vitamin C in four of those tablets.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Def.: pegkeiling
MS: pegkeiling
the state of being equivalent.
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012