Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpakakita wey egpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan
MS: egpakakita te kaleinan; egpakameleg-meleg te kaleinan
If you can distinguish things, you can see the difference between them.
My sister and I are twins, and not many people can distinguish us.

Def.: egpakakita wey ke egpakarineg
MS: egpakakita; egpakarineg
If you can distinguish something that is far away or not clear, you can see or hear it.
He could distinguish a house on the far away

Def.: egpakapeyimu te kaleinan te lein ne butang
If a particular feature of something distinguishes it, it causes that thing to be different.
He is very tall, and this distinguishes him from his classmates.
Malayat amana sikandin, wey seini na nakapeyimu ne lein sikandin te me klasmit din.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1126-1151
Status: not yet fully checked

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012