Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-ct, n-uc.
Def.: pegkasuwey; kaleinan
MS: pegkasuwey; kaleinan
The distinction between two things is the difference between them.
Those two colors look the same, and I can't see any distinction between them.
Sika se daruwa ne batek nekeg-iling, wey warè nakita ku ne kaleinan.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: pegtengteng te kaleinan
MS: pegtengteng te kaleinan
the action of seeing differences between things.
The distinction of red and green is difficult for people who are color-blind.
Ka pegtengteng te kaleinan te malalab wey meilem ne batek su malised te etew ne kenè egpakakita te batek.
See distinguish

Def.: pegkameupiya; amana ne meupiya
MS: pegkameupiya; meupiya
the state of being very, very good.
He finished his study with distinction.
Mig-impusan din ka peg-iskuyla te pegkameupiya rin.
Sem.Dom.: AWL2
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012