Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: pangitabù ne baad te nateil ne sitwasyun
MS: pangitabù
a happening which is part of a particular situation, and helps to cause it.
She told me about the circumstances surrounding her father's death.
Sem.Dom.: AWL3

Def.: sitwasyun ne paneleppianen
MS: sitwasyun ne paneleppianen
Your circumstances are your financial situation.
Life is hard for them because of their limited circumstances.
Malised ka umul ran su ka amana ne meilù ka paneleppianen ne baad.
Sem.Dom.: plural nouns

under the circumstances
Def.: tenged te sitwasyun
because of the situation.
I don't usually wear shoes in her house, but it's cold. Under the circumstances, I think I need to wear shoes.
Nalayaman ku ne kena a egsaluub layun te sepatus kayi te baley rin, piru maagsil [ma͡agsil] ma nahud.Tenged te seeyè ne sitwasyun, sika ka egkeilangan a ne egsaluub te sepatus.
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012