Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: mahaan egkataheyi su mahaan egkakita; egkamelmelehi
MS: egkataheyi, mahaan; egkakita, mahaan; egkamelmelehi
If a fact is apparent, we can know it easily, because it is easy to see.
It is apparent that she is not happy, because she never smiles.
Amana egkataheyi ne sikandin warè nahalè, su kenad ma iya eggimun-gimun sikandin.

Def.: pegpakita ne hendue te malehet piru kenè bes; pegparayan-dayan dè
MS: pegparayan-dayan
Something apparent looks like it is real or true, but is not.
His apparent interest in reading is only because he wants to impress that girl.
Ka pegpakita rin te kabagget te pegbasa kenè ne malehet su igkeupii rin ne egparayan-dayan te malitan.
The apparent depth of the river is greater than its real depth; it's really quite shallow.
Sem.Dom.: AWL4
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012