Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: karumaan [karuma͡an] te taltalaanak; me suled (meyitenged te sakup dè te pamilya dapit te iney wey ke amey)
MS: karumaan te taltalaanak
a member of your family (e.g., cousin).
Many of my relatives came to my birthday party.

Def.: Egkahamit seini ke egpeg-iling ka te minsan nekey diyè te lein.
You use relative to say that you are comparing something with another thing.
Tonight is a time of relative quiet, but there is still some noise [this means that it is quiet now compared to the usual noise].
Kuntee na marusilem ka kenè ne mahulub ne marusilem, piru duen ded deisek ne egpanlelalag [igpasabut ne bayew meyimulung ka kahulub du te nalayaman e ne kahulub].
Sem.Dom.: GSL0676-0700
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Aug/2012